Why a Garden?
Why is this site called the Garden of Memory?

Why is this site called the Garden of Memory?
This site is primarily about history. History is built of memories. A human memory is the basic building block of the past. The garden of memory is a theoretical construct of a complete record of all of humanity’s history, which includes every memory and every experience of every human being who has ever lived. We can only tour individual lanes and terraces in the garden at any one time, because the whole of the garden is too big to be comprehended at once. I imagine memories as plants and flowers, because they live and grow; they're not static or unchanging, but vibrant and alive. Hence, a theoretical place where memories are aggregated is more like a garden than anything else.
I have long been fascinated by time, memory and history. In 2016 I wrote a novel called The Valley of Forever, which is my rumination on the nature of time. Since it came out I've tried numerous times to write its follow-up, which would be called The Garden of Memory, but the essence of that as-yet unwritten (or at least uncompleted) book eludes me. In starting this publication I decided to appropriate the title. The book may yet be written someday. Until then, enjoy the garden.
The header image is by English painter George Samuel Elgood, painted in 1907.
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