The Class on September 11 is Up.
With one huge project finished, it's time to move on to the next one.

It’s been an unusually long time—twelve days—since my last post here on the Garden, and what a near-fortnight it’s been, both historically and professionally. For most of that time I was working intensively on the online course available at my website,, “The Origins of 9/11,” which I posted about on October 28. The header photo for this article is the pile of library books that need to be returned at the conclusion of a big project. Those yellow tags you see are InterLibrary Loan slips. That service, on which I rely heavily, has grown exasperated with me in recent days due to my repeated requests to renew certain books, in some cases after the deadline has passed. Such is how you do when you no longer have walk-in access to a university library.
If you’re interested in “The Origins of 9/11” class, there are still plenty of slots available. Just go here and you can sign up. The course is $397, but if you’re a member at the paid tier of this blog you can receive a coupon for $100 off. I will send out an email to paid tier members with that coupon code that you can enter at check-out. I should have done it earlier, before the launch—sorry about that, but things got extremely hectic in the final stages of preparing for the class.
People expect me to have words about the results of the 2024 Presidential election. At the risk of disappointing them, I have none, at least at this time. For the past 12 days, including the time of the election, I’ve thought about almost nothing else besides getting this class finished and available. Now there’s a period of decompression, reckoning and, I hope, healing. That’s the true meaning of the pile of books on my floor this morning—a signifier that it’s time to move on to something else.
Thank you all for your continued support. I’m not sure what’s coming next for me, aside from a move to a new apartment, but whatever it is you’ll probably see it here.
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